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The Centre de solidarité lesbienne (CSL) provides free individual counseling services to support you in your efforts to improve your well-being.

Various reasons for consultation:

  • Mental health (depression, anxiety, grief and bereavement)
  • Violence in romantic and intimate relationships (intimate partner violence)
  • Sexuality (desire, STBBIs, communication within a couple, jealousy, sexual practices)
  • Immigration/asylum claims
  • Questioning on gender identity or sexual/romantic orientation
  • coming out
  • Sexual violence
  • Etc.

Couples and triad counselling is also offered.

Our services are inclusive of trans and non-binary people as well as non-monogamous and polyamorous people.

To ask for individual conselling, please complete this form.

For more information, contact us at / 514.526.2452

We are an organization that offer services to people located in Montreal and surrounding areas